SABCS: A novel, semi-automated Pipeline for HER2 Quantification on CTCs in breast cancer patients. Is cytopathology of peripheral blood a new diagnostic option?
AACR LBx 24 – Development of a scoring system to classify HER2 protein expression in Circulating Tumour Cells through immunofluorescence following isolation using Parsortix® instruments
A Multi-Center Clinical Study to Harvest and Characterize Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer Using the Parsortix®PC1 System
Diagnostic Leukapheresis Enables Reliable Transcriptomic Profiling of Single Circulating Tumor Cells to Characterize Inter-Cellular Heterogeneity in Terms of Endocrine Resistance
Denosumab treatment is associated with the absence of circulating tumor cells in patients with breast cancer