Parsortix® technology

Capture and harvest live, intact circulating tumour cells (CTCs)

Parsortix technology is a unique method for capturing and harvesting intact circulating tumour cells (CTCs) and CTC clusters from whole blood for downstream analysis

CTCs are cancer cells that have detached from the primary tumour and entered the circulation. They are extremely rare in the blood and are often referred to as “a needle in a haystack”.

  • As well as being functional cancer cells, CTCs play a critical role in initiating metastasis and are therefore a focus of cancer research and personalised medicine
  • By harvesting viable CTCs, Parsortix technology enables comprehensive profiling of cancer cells in a non-invasive, repeatable manner
An illustration of purple and green cancer cells

Parsortix® technology uses a patented microfluidic technology in the form of a single use cassette to capture and then harvest CTCs from whole blood. The cassette captures CTCs based on their less deformable nature and larger size compared to other blood cells

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Parsortix technology

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Discover how you can bring the power of Parsortix technology into your laboratory with the Parsortix PC1 system

Parsortix PC1 system

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Parsortix® PC1 system

Product Intended use: The Parsortix® PC1 system is an in vitro diagnostic device intended to enrich circulating tumour cells (CTCs) from peripheral blood collected in K2EDTA tubes from patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The system employs a microfluidic chamber (a Parsortix® cell separation cassette) to capture cells of a certain size and deformability from the population of cells present in blood. The cells retained in the cassette are harvested by the Parsortix® PC1 system for use in subsequent downstream assays. The end user is responsible for the validation of any downstream assay. The standalone device, as indicated, does not identify, enumerate or characterise CTCs and cannot be used to make any diagnostic/prognostic claims for CTCs, including monitoring indications or as an aid in any disease management and/or treatment decisions.


  1. Dive C, Brady G. SnapShot: circulating tumor cells. Cell. 2017 Feb 9;168(4):742-.
  2. Castro-Giner F, Aceto N. Tracking cancer progression: From circulating tumor cells to metastasis. Genome Medicine. 2020 Dec;12(1):1-2.